Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It’s Sabbath afternoon and Merle’s taking a Sabbath nap. Just finished washing the floor.

The whole night it rained so i woke up several times, and around 6am got out of the bed. There is only a tin plate on the roof so even if it’s not raining heavily, it sounds like there's a storm. Hard to even hear your own thoughts.

At 9.30 the church started. In Sabbath school we were outside and half the divine service was held by children. They sang a lot and read different Bible promises.

After that it was the time for witnesses. 2 women talked about their experiences and gave thanks to God. One was without a job for a long time and praised the Lord for getting a job in Addis. The other one told of how she had given birth to stillborn twins, as a result of the doctor giving her the wrong medicine. After she sang a song, that made Merle cry. So for the rest of the sermon she was weeping and trying to hold her tears back.

The sermon’s main point was the verse John 15:1. We are the branches of Christ and without His and the Father’s support we would be nothing. Like a vine tree needs something to support to and a gardener to take care of it.

Before 1pm the service ended and we went to Joseph’s house. He lives just behind the church. We spent a couple of hours there and then returned home.

Merle just woke up so i’ll give her the laptop. Maybe she has some bright ideas :)

It’s just unbelievable what kind of snobbery i’ve seen here. The people who are living better than average and are wealthy, can be huge snobs. Of course they’re not saying it out loud, but their whole attitude tells that they’re better than you. They have pride for things which make me laugh. It’s so true that for a rich person it’s hard to get to heaven. Sometimes seems even easier to get the camel through a pinhole...

Visiting or talking to a person who is not wealthy is more enjoyable (like that’s a surprise:D). It’s just awful what money does to people. Of course with some exceptions :)


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